Successful Installation of AviaSafe’s Airfield Guidance Sign at Stuttgart Airport
Aviasafe designs and manufactures efficient lighting solutions. We take pride in providing comprehensive support to our clients in the execution and installation of airfield lighting systems. Our mission is to enhance operational efficiency and manage airport traffic effectively. We prepare the necessary lighting infrastructure to ensure future traffic capacity and safety, and we strive to help airfields achieve this goal at an affordable cost. Our goal is to provide our customers with the support they need to keep their airfields safe and operational without any disruptions.

Aviasafe airfield lighting systems products are categorized into Runway, Taxiway, Approach, and Helipad lighting. We provide efficient "AvLED" lights (LED lighting system), capitalizing on the advantages that LED technology offers in comparison to the halogen system.
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Elevated & Inset Approach , PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator) and SFLS (Sequential Flash Lights System)
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Elevated & Inset Runway Edge , Runway Centerline , Runway Threshold , Runway End , Touchdown zone and RETIL Lights
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Elevated & Inset Taxiway Edge, Taxiway Centerlines , Stop Bar, Runway Guard Lights and Airfield Guidance Sign
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